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KEEPCARING – Future Proofing Health- and Care Systems Safeguarding Health Care Workers in Hospital Settings

The inaugural meeting of the KEEPCARING project consortium, led by Amsterdam University Medical Centers (AUMC) and involving 20 partners, took place in July 2024.  The project’s objective is to (re-)build the wellbeing and resilience of healthcare workers in European hospitals in the surgical pathways, and to promote onboarding and retention by systematically researching factors and signals of job stress and novel mitigating solutions. Using a co-creation approach, a multi-faceted solution package (non-digital, digital, and AI-supported) will be developed to prevent burnout among (aspirant) healthcare professionals on the individual, team, and organisational level. Stress is the biggest factor attributing to burnout among hospital healthcare workers.

KEEPCARING is a 4-year project financed by the Horizon Europe Framework Programme further to the call HORIZON-HLTH-2023-CARE-04 ‘Resilience and Mental Wellbeing of the Health and Care workforce project’. The consortium is composed of leading universities, hospitals, research organisations, SMEs offering digital solutions, and European associations representing hospitals and healthcare workers.

HOPE’s role will be to support tasks around dissemination, communication and stakeholder engagement including the definition of an effective strategy and framework and key messages for different target groups. Alliances and collaborations will be formed with stakeholders including policymakers, employers, social partners, CSOs,  technology providers, scientific, medical, and student communities. Focus groups and external experts will be involved in the definition of the most suitable sustainability and exploitation strategy.

You can follow KEEPCARING on LinkedIn and visit the project website for in-depth project information and news!


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101137244.