XpanDH – Expanding Digital Health through a pan-European EHRxF-based Ecosystem
On 15-16 February 2023, the XpanDH project’s kick-off meeting took place in Lisbon, Portugal. Led by ISCTE Knowledge and Innovation Centre, the overall aim of the project is prepare, support and empower individuals and organisations to be ready to adopt the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF). This will be achieved by exploiting a “network of networks” approach and developing a vibrant ecosystem.
XpanDH is a 2-year Coordination and Support Action financed by the Horizon Europe Framework Programme. The project brings together research organisations, companies, intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder associations (including patients and healthcare providers) who will jointly mobilise capacity to deploy interoperable digital health solutions based on shared adoption of the EEHRxF. The latter will be crucial for the successful implementation of priority domains in the European Health Data Space.
The projects main ambitions are establishing and sustaining a scalable public infrastructure for digital health innovation; demonstrating feasibility of real-life interoperable digital solutions for cross-border use by individuals,researchers, health services and the workforce; creating and fostering a Pan-European ecosystem of digital health; conceiving and validating a framework for enabling further exploitation of the public infrastructure for digital health innovation. So-called X-bundles will establish common ground for eHealth interoperability by using common international standards and formed connections to ensure that the exchange of health data takes place smoothly. This will benefit users of MyHealth@EU services, the latter already comprising ePrescription and patient summaries and, as part of the EHDS, expanding to include laboratory reports, imageology and hospital discharge letters.
HOPE’s role in the consortium (comprised of 26+ members) will be to support tasks involving the expansion of relevant networks, as well as communication and dissemination activities. Inter alia, this will involve reaching out to hospitals across Europe to support identification and analysis of existing practices and standards. Promoting participatory involvement of end users, XpanDH will build on and process the results of past and ongoing eHealth interoperability projects and services.
Be sure to follow XpanDH on Twitter and LinkedIn, or check the website for in-depth project information and news!
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101095594.