In April 2019, HOPE joined the Advisory Board of SPHINX – A Universal Cyber Security Toolkit for the Healthcare Industry. Hospitals and care centres are prime targets for cybercriminals, especially concerning data theft, denial-of-service, and ransomware. This reflects the need of healthcare institutions for a holistic cyber security vulnerability assessment toolkit that is able to proactively assess and mitigate cyber security threats known or unknown, imposed by devices and services within a corporate ecosystem.
SPHINX aimed to introduce a universal cyber security toolkit, thus enhancing the cyber protection of the health IT ecosystem and ensuring patient data privacy and integrity.
The SPHINX toolkit was piloted through pan-European demonstrations in three different scenarios. The operational properties of the proposed cyber security ecosystem and the overall solution were validated and evaluated against performance, effectiveness, and usability indicators in three different countries (Romania, Portugal, and Greece). Hospitals, care centres, and device manufacturers participating in the project’s pilots deployed and evaluated the solution in business-as-usual and emergency use-case scenarios.
Participation in the SPHINX Advisory Board focused mainly on prospective end-users and members of projects (ongoing or finished) in the domains of surveillance, wide zone protection, and impact assessment of security systems.
Website (no longer updated): https://sphinx-project.eu/
This project has concluded.