The European Union Network for Patient Safety and Quality of Care
The European Union Network for Patient Safety and Quality of Care (PaSQ Joint Action) supported the implementation of the European Council Recommendations on Patient Safety.
It did so by strengthening cooperation between EU Member States, international organisations, and EU stakeholders on issues related to quality of healthcare, including patient safety and patient involvement.
This has been achieved by:
- sharing knowledge, experience, and good practices;
- contributing to the implementation of selected good practices in Member States;
- obtaining insight and mapping patient safety and healthcare quality systems in the Member States;
- reflecting on the principles of good quality in healthcare;
- building and/or consolidating a network of organisations for sustained collaboration in the field of patient safety and healthcare quality.
The main outcome of the Joint Action (launched in 2012) was to consolidate a permanent network for patient safety.
PaSQ concluded in 2016.