Thematic Network for Mainstreaming Telemedicine Deployment in Daily Practice
MOMENTUM’s aim was to create a platform where key players can share their knowledge and experience using telemedicine services in routine care in order to identify a set of good practices. The Momentum Thematic Network:
- collected, documented, and disseminated examples of existing good practices;
- built a sustainable network;
- developed a range of collaboration mechanisms.
Participants hailed from all European countries whose healthcare systems share things in common (significant public funding, public safeguards for quality of care, strong patient rights and expectations) and differences (role of the government, legal traditions, public trust). Working together, they developed a European Telemedicine Deployment Blueprint to:
- assist countries and practitioners in their telemedicine implementations, and validate the work of past initiatives;
- document the roadblocks that disturb telemedicine implementation in daily practice;
- propose a set of policy recommendations for the deployment of telemedicine in Europe.
Website (archive): telemedicine-momentum.eu
MOMENTUM ended in 2015.