HOPE is a stakeholder of TEHDAS, the Joint Action Towards the European Health Data Space. The purpose of TEHDAS is to create joint European principles for the secondary use of health data.
The project will focus on the following themes:
- creating a governance model for cross-border cooperation in the secondary use of health data between European countries;
- ensuring the quality of health data and facilitating joint use;
- planning the infrastructure for the cross-border secondary use of health data;
- clarifying the role of the individual.
The key aim of the project is to build a European governance model for the use of health data. The model may involve creating a completely new organisation or incorporating the duties into existing EU institutions and organisations.
The results of the TEHDAS project will form the basis of the European Commission’s legislative proposals and enable Member States to harmonise their national legislation, among other things. A current example of legislative preparation in the EU relates to the creation of the European Health Data Space. The purpose of the European Health Data Space is to enable people, communities, and companies to benefit from secure and seamless access to health data regardless of its location.
The TEHDAS joint project is based on the EU Health Programme 2020, which specifies the objectives and budget of the project.
The TEHDAS joint action involves experts from 21 EU Member States and four other European countries.
HOPE has been selected to participate as a stakeholder in TEHDAS Joint Action in the Stakeholder Forum and in the WP4 Policy Forum
Stakeholder forum
The stakeholder forum is an event where external stakeholders can follow and contribute to the joint action progress and discuss with joint action partners the topics linked to it. The forum will take place once a year (Q2/2021-2023) following the annual TEHDAS General Assembly.
WP4 policy forum
The aim of the policy forum is to reach out and engage national and international policy- and decision-makers, to reflect on their needs and expectations, and to explore views on the economic sustainability of the European Health Data Space. Member State/Associated Country (MS/AC) authorities and international organisations are invited to take part in the policy forum. The progress of the different WPs will be presented and potential routes for sustainable interaction will be sought. The forum will provide a platform for sharing the views and experiences of MS/AC national authorities with regard to the value of sharing secondary data across Europe through the creation of the EHDS.