Joint Action On Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting
A shortage of 1 million health workers is expected by 2020 in Europe. Workforce planning and forecasting mechanisms are recognised to be crucial in supporting evidence-based policy and tackling upcoming challenges. Thus, the European Commission promotes collaboration within Member States, through this Joint Action.
The general objective of the project was to help countries to move forward on a planning process and to better prepare the future of the health workforce. By creating a platform for collaboration and exchange, this project supported Member States and Europe in their efforts to take effective and sustainable measures to address the supply and demand for health workers.
The Joint Action works towards:
- A better understanding of terminology.
- Better monitoring by access to timely data.
- Updated information on mobility trends.
- Guidelines on qualitative and quantitative planning methodology.
- Increased qualitative and quantitative planning capacity.
- Estimation of future skills and competencies needed for the health workforce.
- A platform for cooperation to find possible solutions to expected shortages.
- Higher impact of health workforce planning and forecasts on policy decision-making.
JA HWF concluded in 2016.