European Union Network for Patient Safety
Setting up a European patient safety network was a crucial priority for the European Union in the field of public health. The EUNetPaS project aimed to establish a platform for all EU Member States, international organisations, and stakeholders to encourage and enhance collaboration and networking in this field.
The project focused on four key topic areas:
- Promoting a culture of patient safety
- Structuring education and training on patient safety
- Implementing reporting and learning systems
- Piloting implementation of medication safety
EUNetPaS established common principles at the EU level through the integration of knowledge, experiences, and expertise gathered from individual Member States. The project also facilitated the development of patient safety programmes at the European level and provided support to less developed countries.
The project was officially launched in 2008 and was funded and supported by the European Commission within the 2007 Public Health Programme. It ended in 2010.