Joint Action 3 on Health Technology Assessment
The first formal meeting in preparation for Joint Action 3 on HTA (as put forward in the 2015 Work Programme of the EU Health Programme) took place on October 15, 2015 in Brussels. The meeting was organised by the HTA Network Secretariat (DG SANTE). More than sixty organisations from 27 Member States and Norway were nominated by their respective Ministries of Health to participate in the final joint action on HTA, which aimed at defining and implementing a sustainable mechanism for the scientific and technical cooperation on HTA in Europe.
The JA3 proposal was developed by a consortium of nominated partners and delivered to the Commission (CHAFEA) by December 17, 2015. EUnetHTA JA3 is built on JA1 and JA2, and it has fed into the latest iteration: EUnetHTA 21.
JA3 concluded in 2021.
Website: http://www.eunethta.eu.