eHealth Standards and Profiles in Action for Europe and Beyond
“eHealth Standards and Profiles in Action for Europe and Beyond” (eStandards) was a proposed coordination and support action to strengthen the standards and interoperability pillar of DAE2020, by aligning and adopting standards in the eHealth market for products and services, advancing global competitiveness of the eHealth industry, and supporting seamless, trusted, and safer health care systems in our society.
HL7, IHE, leading Standards and Profile Development Organizations (SDOs), joined forces to create an active evidence-driven roadmap to drive eHealth interoperability in Europe and beyond. In their quest for alignment and consensus to advance timely informed care in quality and safety, SDOs have partnered with enablers and implementers (OFFIS, EuroRec, RAMIT, MEDIQ), end users (HOPE), Member States, Regions, and Competence Centers supporting large scale eHealth Deployments (Region of Lombardy (IT), NICTIZ (NL), SPMSS(PT)), and the industry (COCIR).
The eStandards proposal received support letters from International SDOs namely ISO/TC215, IHTSDO, GS1, and IEEE11073, the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA), the European Federation of Medical Informatics (EFMI), the French Association of Hospital Pharmacists (PHAST), Member States, and the eHealth Network.
eStandards concluded in 2017.