The European Guide on Quality Improvement in Comprehensive Cancer Control
Launched in 2014, this Joint Action sought to contribute to improvement in widely-recognised cancer control. Contributors to this Joint Action aimed to do this by working on quality-based cancer screening programmes, strengthening the integration of cancer care, promoting community-based cancer care approaches, and intensifying efforts in all aspects of survival, including palliative care.
These key undertakings were combined to form a European Guide on Quality Improvement in Comprehensive Cancer Control, which was the main deliverable of the project. Alongside this activity, the other key pillar of the Joint Action was to create the Member State Platform, which provides Member States with the opportunity to discuss and exchange views and best practices on key topics relevant to cancer control. The Guide and Platform position papers took into account the EU perspective on quality improvement in cancer control and thus served to help Member States foster discussion at the national level and shape national policies.
Website: cancercontrol.eu
The CANCON concluded in 2017.
HOPE became a collaborating partner of iPAAC, the Innovative Partnership for Action Against Cancer, which was been selected for funding under the Third Health Programme 2014-2020, and built on the outcomes of the EPAAC and CANCON Joint Actions.