Joint Action Achieving Comprehensive Coordination in Organ Donation throughout the European Union
ACCORD worked to strengthen the capacity of Member States in the field of organ donation and transplantation, improve cooperation between them, and contribute to the effective implementation of the EU Directive 2010/53/EU and the Action Plan on Organ Donation and Transplantation (2009-2015): Strengthened Cooperation between MS.
In particular, ACCORD aimed to:
- Improve Member States’ information systems on live organ donation through the provision of recommendations on the design and management of structured live organ donor registries and by creating a model for supranational data-sharing in this field.
- Describe the pathways applied to patients with a devastating brain injury and explore their impact on the potential of donation and on the realisation of the deceased donation process across European Union countries.
- Develop and prove by implementation an acceptable and effective rapid improvement toolkit that supports modifications in end-of-life management that promote donation, adapted to each identified end-of-life care model.
- Implement practical collaborations between European Union countries for the transfer of knowledge, expertise, or tools in specific areas related to Directive 2010/53/EU and the Action Plan on Organ Donation and Transplantation (2009-2015), based on comprehensive and specifically prepared protocols.
- Provide recommendations for future twinning initiatives in organ donation and transplantation.
- Disseminate and ensure the sustainability of the results and products of the ACCORD project.
Website (no longer updated): http://www.accord-ja.eu/.
ACCORD ended in 2015.