HOPE contributed to the Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infections (JAMRAI), which was launched on 1 September 2017. JAMRAI was a collaborative project built on existing work and initiatives undertaken by Member States as well as international organisations (OECD, ECDC, WHO Europe, OIE and FAO).
This Joint Action (JA) surveyed the best programmes across the EU and proposed concrete steps to implement best practices to tackle Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Healthcare-associated Infections (HCAI), so that good intentions lead to practical actions shared by the Member States. EU-JAMRAI aimed at joining forces to define European common policies to fight AMR and control HCAI in line with the One Health approach and other ongoing EU and international policies.
On 9 November 2018 in Vienna, European policymakers, key international organisations, industry representatives, civil society, and healthcare professionals gathered for the 1st EU-JAMRAI Stakeholders’ Forum to discuss global challenges and developments in the AMR field. More recently, the 2nd EU-JAMRAI Meeting and Stakeholder Forum took place in Rome on 16-17 September 2019. During the same month, the Commission published Health for the EU: A selection of actions funded under the Third EU Health Programme, which spotlights several JAs, including JAMRAI and its achievements to date.
EU-JAMRAI released in January 2021 policy briefs presenting concrete actions and recommendations developed by the joint action to fight antimicrobial resistance in humans and animals:
- Appropriate use of antibiotics in a One Health perspective
- The need to develop core elements at the European level on antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) and infection prevention and control (IPC)
- The need to develop indicators and targets for AMR action plans in the EU
- The need for a reinforced AMR One Health Network
- The urgent need to foster research on infection prevention and control to improve health security
- Incentivizing antibiotic access and innovation
- Understanding the Use of Evidence in Health Policymaking Case Study: Antibiotic Prescribing Guidelines
- Pursuing Efforts to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance at the European Level: The Need for a second Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections
The Joint Action final conference took place in February 2021 and soon after, the JA released an EU-JAMRAI Layman Report with a full overview of the main outcomes and results of the EU-JAMRAI.