Knowledge on hospitals in Europe is sparse and spread in different sources. To make easily available the core information and to give to the reader a vertical and a cross quantitative and qualitative overview on the main figures related to hospital activity HOPE collected data in three tools.
Give a synthetic overview of the National Healthcare System of each European Member State (plus Switzerland and Serbia) in the last three years where data is available. The indicators are about demographic and socio economic situation, healthcare system, hospital governance, financing, provision and workforce.
Examine the most significant data and indicators for a better understanding of the overall situation of hospitals. They present the trends over the last five to ten years on hospital activity, acute care hospital capacity and healthcare workforce.
Is an in-depth summary of healthcare systems and population, hospital capacity and delivery of care, healthcare and hospital workforce. It offers an accurate description on how the main indicators changed in the last ten years and a comparison of each figure in every European Member States.
Are aimed to describe the current situation in several European Member States, explaining the impact of the economic and financial crisis and the future challenges and changes that NHSs have to face in the next years.