HOPE Exchange Programme


One of the basic objectives of HOPE, the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation, is to promote exchange of knowledge and expertise within the European Union and to provide training and experience for hospital and healthcare professionals in this European context. In 1981, in pursuance of its objectives, HOPE decided to set up an Exchange Programme for hospital professionals. Originally intended for hospital professionals the Exchange Programme is now open to other healthcare professionals and some countries are already hosting participants in non-hospital healthcare facilities. This Exchange Programme aims to lead to better understanding of the functioning of healthcare and hospital systems within the EU and neighbour countries, by facilitating co-operation and exchange of best practices.

Exchange videos

Learn more about the HOPE Exchange Programme through 3 videos

HOPE Exchange Programme - Explainer video

Since 1981, the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation is running the HOPE Exchange Programme. It consists in a 4-week training programme for professionals with managerial responsibilities working in hospitals and healthcare facilities.

HOPE Exchange Programme - Participants

You are a professional with managerial responsabilties in a healthcare institution? We invite you to join the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE) Exchange Programme.

HOPE Exchange Programme - Hosts

You are running a European hospital or healthcare institution? The European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE) invites you to join its Exchange Programme. Don’t miss this opportunity to train your staff and to learn from the experience of foreign professionals.