Komora zdravstvenih ustanova Srbije – Beograd
The Chamber of Healthcare Institutions of Serbia
Hajduk Veljkov venac br. 4-6
11000 Beograd
The Serbian Chamber of Healthcare Institutions is an association of healthcare institutions founded by the Republic, autonomous province or local government, pursuant to the Decree on the Plan of the Healthcare Institutions Network. The aim of associating healthcare institutions into the Chamber regulated by the Law on Health Care is: the improvement of operations, the economics of operations and achievement of other duties and objectives of common interest (Article 163 of the Law).
Asocijacija privatnih zdravstvenih ustanova i privatnih praksi Srbije
Association of Private Healthcare Providers of Serbia
Čingrijina 18, Beogradj
The Association of Serbian Private Healthcare Providers is a non-profit organization gathered around the mission of mainstreaming privately owned health services and utilizing potentials of its integration into the health system of Serbia.
HOPE Head of Delegation
Institut za zdravstvenu zastitu dece i omladine Vojvodine
Institute for Health Protection of Children and Youth of Vojvodina
HOPE Liaison Officer
Mrs. Marijana STOJANOVIC
Pionirska 12
RS – 21000 NOVI SAD
HOPE National Coordinator
Hajduk Veljkov venac br. 4-6
11000 Beograd